Think first, then write 2: your readers shoes

Think first, then write 2: your readers shoes
In the last post we looked at writing yourself a clear brief – identifying the why, who and what of your business writing task. In this post we’ll look at the second step – analysing what your readers need and want from your content, whether it’s a blog, report, email or user guide. 2. Step into ...

Think first, then write 1: what, why and who?

Think first, then write 1: what, why and who?
So you have a business writing task – a report, proposal, blog post or email. There’s a deadline. What do you do first? Stare balefully at a blank computer screen? Write two paragraphs and then delete one of them? Make a cup of tea? If so, you are certainly not alone in the world of ...

Business email can damage your health!

Like it or loathe it, business email is a part of everyday life. But it’s not just the content that gets our blood pressure rising. Recent research from Kingston Business School has identified seven ‘deadly sins’ of business email that can damage your mental health. Occupational psychologist Dr Emma Russell carried out research on 28 ...

Managing email at Ferrari

Managing email in the workplace is not easy. But few organisations have taken such drastic measures as Ferrari. The Italian car manufacturer announced earlier this month that its employees would only be allowed to send internal emails to a maximum of three people. A spokesman said that sending irrelevant emails is “one of the main ...

Email etiquette in the workplace

Email etiquette in the workplace
I came across the findings of a recent survey by CPP Inc which looked at communication technologies and email etiquette in the workplace. Perhaps unsurprisingly, email is still regarded as the main cause of confusion. 64% of respondents said that they had sent or received an email that unintentionally caused anger or resentment. Top gripes ...